Who can reallly wait to hear what i have to say? (having a conceted moment, Slaps self). Anyway, I'm am so excited to blog. And my mom Ok-ed (?) it. I don't know who would really want to listen to me bitch, moan, complain, or be happy, but doesn't just feel nice to let it out? I always hating typing or writing too long , but not if it's my free will! ... Where was I? Oh yah! So I just wanted to do this because there'sgonna be people who can understand, relate, or for all I know hate me all together, but it's my blog! Not their's! Right now, I think I'm having writer's block. Maybe writers block is really a block dumped without mercy on writer with great thoughts flowing through their head because maybe the person dropping it is  jealous and can't write. Dumb? Immagrant? Who knows, but they still are jealous and mean. 

 Not Releasing Info about self because it seems unsafe.
Do i need to say more? But i will not put my email on here! For many reasons; rapists, spam, ... that 's it... But still good reasons. I'm getting hungry for breakfast now and i can't type like a normal person or quickly. I type like "stalker, one-finger" so anyway... See ya guys later!!!!